She Pours Concrete Into Dollar Store Pumpkins To Make Amazing Porch Sculptures
I am already getting excited for fall; the thought of candles and cozy clothes are already starting to creep into my mind from time to time!
Undoubtedly, my favorite part of the fall is Halloween. It’s something I definitely wait for all year round!
However, it always feels like I have a hundred ideas for decor and costumes until the day creeps up on me, then I am left coming up with a quick getup on the sly.
But thanks to clever DIY-er Diana, I have a great new craft to try that is incredibly easy and can be used all throughout the season!
Concrete can be used to make countless crafts to dress up an outdoor area like birdbaths, decorative tiles, and even a bespoke concrete “fire table.”
It can also be poured into molds to create statuesque versions of whatever you choose to fill.
In Diana’s case, she chose something fun, inexpensive, and festive: plastic pumpkins!
Check below to see how she turned theirtrick-or-treating staples into beautiful porch sculptures.
[H/T: Hometalk]

To begin her project,Dianapurchased the traditional plastic pumpkins that can be found in any ordinary dollar store.
While they’re typically used for collecting trick-or-treat candy, Diana decided to do something a little different with hers.
She planned to transform them into adorable concrete sculptures, perfect for the front or back porch during the chilly fall months.
Her next step was to assembleher concrete mix, usingapproximately two cups of concrete to one cup each ofpeat mossandperlite.
She added water to the mixture until it was a thick, cottage cheese consistency.
She also added dye to the concrete mix,so that the pumpkins would have a subtle orange hue rather than a concrete gray color.
Next, she covered the tiny hole within the bottom of the pumpkin, then coated the interior liberally with cooking spray.
Once that was done, she began to add the concrete mix.
When the pumpkin was filled to the top with cement, Diane added a railroad spike to create a rustic, quirkypumpkin stem.
The concrete was left to dry for several days before the mold was removed.
A utility knife was used to slash the plastic open, revealing the perfectly shaped mold inside.
The final product was a beautifully spooky sculpturethatwould get anyone in the festive Halloween spirit!
And once Halloween is over, the pumpkin sculpture can be rotated to reveal the plain pumpkin side; that way, the decoration can remain out through Thanksgiving, too!
Best of all? No need to dispose of a rotting, deflated pumpkin once the season has passed!
Are you excited for the chilly fall months? Or are you still enjoying the warm summer months?
Let us know in the comments below, and
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